Wieden + Kennedy and Nike have done it again, thinking up an incredible way to present one of the Swoosh’s newest and most exciting designs to the public. That would be the Nike Free Flyknit, a sneaker that’s currently under construction on a massive billboard out in Shanghai. As you can see, the beginning stages of the installation feature a bare foot, one that’s currently being knitted all over by suspended workers in an effort to communicate the sneaker’s sock like quality. Continue reading for some photos from the “Live Knitting” billboard out in Shanghai and give us a heads up in the comments if you’ve had the chance to run in a pair of these sneaks just yet.

FUENTE: http://sneakernews.com/2013/08/06/nike-free-flyknit-live-knitting-billboard-in-shanghai/

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This Ingenious Billboard Doubles as a Rain Shelter

Advertisements are often described as frustrating, offensive, or intrusive, but rarely useful. A new campaign for IBM’s Smarter Cities initiative seeks to change that by turning billboards into ramps, benches, and shelters from the rain.

The ads were developed in partnership with advertising firm Ogilvy and transform spaces that might otherwise be promoting new cell phones or theatrical premieres into interactive, and very useful, pieces of impromptu infrastructure. “We were looking for an idea that reached regular citizens as well as city leaders,” says Susan Westre, the Executive Creative Director at IBM. “That’s how outdoor became the medium. IBM is a strong believer in providing ‘utility’ in its communications – from offering useful information and facts to educational experiences.” Reaching jaded city dwellers and distracted politicians isn’t an easy task, but saving them from a sudden summer thunderstorm is a great way to start.

FUENTE: http://www.wired.com/design/2013/06/ibm-interactive-advertisements/

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